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Saturday 10 March 2012

Fast Road blocking technique,an easy way to pressurize the government

Traffic Block seen 

Road block by trucks
Road blocking nails board

Friends, The best way to pressurize your government is to stop the financial activities. For this purpose you cant go in each and every office to stop the work. So to stop the work you need to stop the workers to reach at their work place. When there will be no worker then their will be no production and when their will be no production then their will be no tax to the government and then government will either collapse or forced to listen your demand. But simply blocking the road in front of your door is not enough to pressurize the government, You and those who are in your groups they have to work on more wide range.

For road blocking in any city or country, gather all freedom activist or revolutionaries and divide them in different teams. Assign each team an area and make them responsible to block the roads in that area. Then decide the day and time of blocking secretly using any social network like Facebook, twitter and cell phone networks. Then ask your teams to do preparations and gather all materials. On the due date and time each of them will go in his area and block the road by applying those materials on the road. You can use burning tires, long iron chains, nails boards, oil and grease and heavy trucks or buses to block the road. After placing the materials you can move away from the sight for your personal security and then you will see that a long traffic jam will stop all the works. If you have a good coordination in all over the country and your teams are actively participating then you can block the traffic in all the country in same date and same time for a long time. For more batter affects of the efforts you need to block those roads which mainly goes to industrial sector and government sector and select that time and day which is the office time and people are getting mad to reach to their offices and the working day when every one is out of home to do its work.

So friends, gather your teams and workers and start preparing to shock your governments who don't do care for you, Now they have to listen you because their bad time has begin. Its the modern way of doing effective strike without having any control on industries and big business. It is the way of free men to keep their freedom.

Use of helmets in protests to protect injuries

Friends, what is the difference between you and those who are stopping you on road in the form of government machinery?
You and they both have same body parts, same abilities and even same age, but the thing which make them different from you and which help them to drag you backwards with very less strength is their organize and systematic movement towards the protesters and also their equipment which include their weapons and their armors.
During the protests people and policemen often get head injuries which may take life of the people. To avoid this situation all freedom activist and fighters must do a security precautions. A use of motor bike helmet or bicycling helmets can protect your heads when police or any of your opponent will shoot towards you with their shotguns, throw tear gas shells or stun grenade and even when they will throw water on you. So must gather helmets as much as possible and keep them ready for use all the time.Store them at one place and assign a duty to some of the freedom activist to provide helmets to the other members when needed.
This little security measure can secure many casualties and serious injuries. Do not put your lives in unnecessary risk and be systematic and organize in the field of battle. Remember numbers never count but the spirit to get success and throw away your enemy along with equipment and security measures take you towards success.

Friday 9 March 2012

How To make Bulletproof glass

Bulletproof glass different layers 

Bullet Proof glass

Pressing machine

Friends, Bulletproof glass making is very easy if you know how to make it and what materials shall be use in them.
Freedom fighters must use these bullet resistance glasses in the form of shields when they are protesting on the roads or doing quick actions in street. They reduce the chance of hit of bullet shoot by enemy towards them. When you fight then you must have one group of shield men who give shelter to other fighters who are doing attacks on the enemy men. you can also use steel sheets but this can also work. but you can use it in homemade armor jeeps and cars

1-Two Glass Sheets (1 cm thick)
2-Poly carbonate plastic sheet (1-2 cm Thick)
3-Polyurethane plastic sheet (1-2 mm thick)
4-Pressure machine
5- Heating machine

To make a bulletproof glass, take a simple glass and cut it according to the requirement. Place a polyurethane sheet on the glass piece, then place an other glass sheet and then place an other polyurethane sheet and then place a poly carbonate sheet and then again place polyurethane sheet and in last place a sheet of glass.
Now place them all in a pressure machine and heat it near 700 to 1500 c temperature. 
Cool down the temperature and your bullet proof glass is ready for use.  

Make armor jeeps and cars in home for secure transportation

Bulletproof Armor jeep

Armor car with steel cover windows

Friends you can turn a normal jeep in to an armored jeep with little alternations in it.
During freedom fights you may not have proper military armor jeeps. But don't worry
because is is very simple you make your simple jeep or car an armored car. You can
use these armor cars for safe transportation and to enter in the homes of your enemies.

1- Ballistic steel or 2 inch thick steel sheets.
2- Welding and cutting tools
3- Bullet proof Glass
4-Nut bolts
5-Tire rubbers
6-A simple jeep or car

Cut the steel in different sizes. Place them on the body of car and weld them with car body. Now place rubber pieces and place them on steal and fix them with it through nut bolt. You can use Bulletproof armor glass and replace the original windows and screen glass with them but it is not necessary. If you do not have bulletproof
glass then fulfill this lacking with a steel cover of windows shown in the above car picture. This will help to stop the bullets coming from the front.

Homemade bulletproof vests to secure your body

Bullet proof vest Homemade
You can make a bullet resistance vest in home your own self. It is very important to use  such vest during the freedom fights. If you will go in a battle field without any proper cover then you are doing a suicide your self.Do not put your life in unnecessary danger because in freedom fights each and every fighter is important on his place.

To make an easy and effective bulletproof jacket 
1-Tire solid rubber pieces 
2-1 cm thick steel sheet
3-Poly carbonate plastic sheet
4-T shirt 

Take a T-shirt and open its stitching.
Cut rubber, steel and plastic in equal size pieces as shown in figure. 
Then place rubber in front,steel in center and poly-carbonate sheet in inner side and then glow them or join them with bolts nuts, Join them tightly with each other.
Now make the pockets in the shirt and place these plates in them.
Then stitch the shirt again, You can also do this without stitching by making pockets out side the shirt.

You can use small pieces of shields to cover your arms legs and neck.
